Cumberland Fields was started in 2018 by Hop Boyd, Jr., a life-long hunter and proud owner of fine English Setter gun dogs.  Hop and his Dad, Hop, Sr. used to roam this very area in search of wild bobwhite quail in the 1980s.  Alas, the wild quail population in east Tennessee - as in many places - has decreased to virtually nil; but there are still many people in the area who thrill to the mystical workings of upland bird pointing dogs.  And the fact is - the dogs don't seem to care if the birds are wild or not.  So Hop created this place to provide the opportunity for those who still wish to recreate this magic experience without having to travel to distant states to embark on wild bird hunts with very uncertain results.

The goals of Cumberland Fields are to create realistic and challenging habitat and to offer bobwhite quail that act and fly as much as possible like their wild cousins.  That is the essence of the hunt, and these are by far the most important aspects of a preserve operation in our opinion.  We may expand and add a few amenities in the future, but we will never be one of those preserves where pampering and entertainment are significant parts of the services. We are bird hunters and not 5 star chefs or polished entertainers. We want this experience to be real hunting in a real hunting type atmosphere. You won’t be rushed, you won’t be bothered, and on the day of your hunt you won’t have to deal with any other hunting party.

So come join us for a bird hunt.  Enjoy our superb habitat and sporty quail.  Experience the hospitality of preserve manager Russell Roberts (who will help you if you need it but otherwise leave you alone).  But most importantly, come for this reason - your dog deserves it.